Costa Rica

Information on Residency for tax purposes

Criteria for Individuals to be considered a tax resident

Individuals that are considered Tax residents in Costa Rica are:

Costa Rican Income Tax Law Regulations, Article 5.
Administrative Regulation DGT-R-033-12, November 14, 2012 Article 2.

Criteria for Entities to be considered a tax resident

Entities that are considered tax residents in Costa Rica are:

Costa Rican Income Tax Law Regulations, Article 5.
Administrative Regulation DGT-R-033-12, November 14, 2012 Article 2.

Entity types that are as a rule not considered tax residents

Costa Rican regulations do not have a legal or administrative provision that states where an individual or an entity would not be considered a tax resident. Therefore, it would be considered as a non-tax resident every person who does not fulfill the requirements of the Costa Rican Income Tax Law Regulations and the Administrative Regulation DGT-R-033-12.

Contact for further information

Costa Rican Competent Authority:
General Director of the Tax Administration

Physical Address:
Dirección General de Tributación
Edificio La Llacuna, piso 14
Avenida central, calle 5

Response date 2015-06-02 (yyyy-mm-dd)